Antonio Stevenson is a dedicated and passionate advocate for mentoring young men in life, educational pursuits, tutoring, college visits, and college applications because of the many mistakes he made in life. Antonio believes everyone deserves a second, third, and even fifth chance. “I see people giving up on young brothas of all races. I come […]

Antonio Stevenson is a dedicated and passionate advocate for mentoring young men in life, educational pursuits, tutoring, college visits, and college applications because of the many mistakes he made in life. Antonio believes everyone deserves a second, third, and even fifth chance. “I see people giving up on young brothas of all races. I come in and give them a guiding voice, because some of them need the same second, third, and fifth chances like me.” That’s why Antonio started his own nonprofit organization called, “My Brothers Second Chance.” He believes all young men are worth saving.


The Biz4GoodShow

#Begooddogood #Biz4goodshow #Goodagainstthenoise


A Biz4GoodShow Highlight

The Biz4Good show is here to fight against bad business practice and the evil lurking within the world, it’s time to stand up for the good people!!!
There is so much bad business, marketing, manipulation tactics, and news in society. We are here to spotlight those who are making a difference and striving to be good and do good.
We are committed this year and we are ready to have some fun!


“To be successful, it takes focus, hard work, time, and building connections through the good in the world.” -Bobby Glen James


About the Show

Ladies and gentlemen… Welcome to the Biz4GoodShow, introducing your hosts Bobby Glen James & the… Ryan Pilkington. We are two fun adventurous entrepreneurs sharing the experiences of the “real” secret to business success. Where we highlight misfits outcasts and renegades for the being good and doing good movement. We spotlight people that are changing the world by having integrity and honesty and creating an environment of connection, thus showing the true seeker to success and creating a life of greater impact. There is so much bad noise in the world. Let’s fight against the noise by spreading the GOOD AGAINST THE NOISE! So come on board and create your own Biz4Good Life. #GoodAgainstTheNoise #BeGoodDoGood #Biz4GoodShow

“There is so much bad noise in the world; from bad business practice, to bad marketing tips. Let’s get above the noise by speaking from the rooftops about the good!!!” -Bobby Glen James

Follow us on: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedInYoutube, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Play Music, Digital Podcast, and all other podcast outlets.


Episode Discovery

Quotes From the Show
Turn Your Million Dollar Idea, Into a Million Dollar BUSINESS! –Builderall
Become a “Builderall” Affiliate. (Read Here)

Word of The Day

Who is Antonio Stevenson?
Episode Notes

How are you living the Biz4Good lifestyle?
Where did the calling for supporting youth come from?
What kind of impact have you made in the last 10 years working with “My Brothers Second Chance?”
What can you do this year to step it up a notch?

The Bridge Builder Poem
Why Moments That Matter?
Action Challenge 1
Action Challenge 2
Signing off: #BeGoodDoGood (3x)
Find us on Social Media


Quotes From the Show

“Nothing is going to happen if you don’t ask.” -Antonio Stevenson
“If you want something done, do it! Ask your community. It’s always going to be a group effort.” -Antonio Stevenson
“Always ask for help, even if those you ask can’t pull through 100%. What matters the most is that everyone tries.” -Antonio Stevenson
“When these kids see all the work and effort you put in to help them and give back, it’s amazing. They look up to you. That’s when you know you are molding their future for the better.” -Antonio Stevenson
“It’s our role models that make us, it’s the people we look up to.” -Bobby Glen James
“We want kids to dream so big that they forget all the negativity in their community.” -Antonio Stevenson
“I tell my kids all the time. You have one job and that’s to love the person next to you.” -Antonio Stevenson
“When you know your self-worth that’s when you don’t take things personally, get offended, or hate others. Once you love yourself you can begin to love others.” -Bobby Glen James


Word of The Day 

Gent-men – A shorter word for gentlemen.

FYI- (this is not in the dictionary)  


Turn Your Million Dollar Idea,

Into a Million Dollar BUSINESS!

Builderall helps entrepreneurs and businesses quickly bring their ideas to life with the most complete digital online business builder and marketing platform on the web.

Builderall, the best digital marketing tool that we could find. We are always talking about sales funnels, websites, emailers, phone apps, and all that jazz. There are a variety of tools out there, but we only use one. BUILDERALL!” -Bobby glen James & Ryan Pilkington


Who is Antonio Stevenson?

Antonio Stevenson lives in Winston Salem, North Carolina. He is a husband, father, grandfather, former high school football coach, empowerment director for Calm Source LLC, nonprofit CEO, author, motivational speaker, personal trainer, and passionate advocate for mentoring young men with life, educational pursuits, tutoring, college visits, and college applications.

Antonio has devoted a large portion of his life mentoring because of the many mistakes he made in his life. Antonio believes everyone deserves a second, third, and even fifth chance. “I see people giving up on young brothas of all races. I come in and give them a guiding voice, because some of them need the same second, third, and fifth chances like me.” That’s why Antonio started his own nonprofit organization called “My Brothers Second Chance.” He believes all young men are worth saving.

For more information stay tuned and read his inspiring, but true story chronicled in Antonio’s 2015 book, “Lessons Learned.”


For more info visit:





[email protected]


***Grab a Box of Tissue***

You are going to need it.


Episode Notes: Moments That Matter

Antonio is a dedicated and passionate advocate for mentoring young men in life and educational pursuits because of the many mistakes he made in life. He believes everyone deserves a second, third, and even fifth chance. “I see people giving up on young brothas of all races. I come in and give them a guiding voice, because some of them need the same second, third, and fifth chances like me.” That’s why Antonio started his own nonprofit organization called, “My Brothers Second Chance.” He believes all young men are worth saving.

How are you living the Biz4Good lifestyle? And how do you apply that to your personal and business life?

Antonio was raised by a single parent. Knowing the struggles, he made a promise to do everything in his power to make sure others do not struggle the same way he did. Antonio started his own nonprofit organization called “My Brothers Second Chance.” They are currently assisting 12 young men by feeding them breakfast and lunch twice a week, along with tutoring. Antonio is currently funding his program by selling his book “Lessons Learned,” and touring the country as a motivational speaker.

Antonio strives to live a good life and to be a constant example for his boys. “There are so many people in this world, if everyone pitched in a little we might have fewer gangs, high school drop outs, and broken homes. I not only strive to be a good example for my boys, but for all the young men and women I come across.”

Where did the calling for supporting youth come from?

Antonio attended a predominantly black high school in Winston Salem, North Carolina. He was on the football team and worked his butt off for a scholarship. After high school he attended Wake Forest University, a private research university in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. After only attending a year he developed a “bad attitude,” and ended up transferring to Winston-Salem State University. On his 20th birthday he was shot. “By the grace of God and a praying parent I made it through the storm.” From then on, Antonio’s whole perspective changed. He vowed to combat gang violence.

Antonio became a teacher and began to notice the children who were being set up to fail. He realized he was in a position where he could create change, so he teamed up with the police department to set up opportunities for troubled youth. Antonio did not want to see these kids drop out of school, go to jail, join gangs, or partake in drugs. He knew there was a better way.

What kind of impact have you made in the last 10 years working with “My Brothers Second Chance?”

Antonio: I have had a lot of help from my wife, my mentors, and the police department. The police department here in Winston Salem have really gone out of their way to help me and my nonprofit. As a team, we make sure these kids know they can attend college out of Salem and the State. We want them to broaden their horizons and get out there. We do everything we can to take them on campus tours and pay for their college applications. I have made a lot of wonderful connections, especially the respect and love from Winston-Salem State University. They admire my nonprofit and do anything they can to help.

What can you do this year to step it up a notch?

Antonio: My plan for 2019 is to make my effort stronger. I want to reach more kids. A lot of the youth I mentored still stay in touch with me. They call for anything and everything and update me on their life. This year I want to put myself in a position where these kids need less. If that means I have to put extra hours in, so be it. I want to reach more kids!


“There are a lot of shortcomings in life and this is a poem I like to read to my kids called The Bridge Builder.”


The Bridge Builder


An old man going a lone highway,

Came, at the evening cold and gray,

To a chasm vast and deep and wide.

Through which was flowing a sullen tide

The old man crossed in the twilight dim,

The sullen stream had no fear for him;

But he turned when safe on the other side

And built a bridge to span the tide.

“Old man,” said a fellow pilgrim near,

“You are wasting your strength with building here; Your journey will end with the ending day, You never again will pass this way;

You’ve crossed the chasm, deep and wide,

Why build this bridge at evening tide?”

The builder lifted his old gray head;

“Good friend, in the path I have come,” he said, “There followed after me to-day

A youth whose feet must pass this way.

This chasm that has been as naught to me

To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be;

He, too, must cross in the twilight dim;

Good friend, I am building this bridge for him!”


Antonio: We teach our boys love and respect! A lot of them don’t know their fathers or grow up in a household with no father figure. We make it a priority to show them they are loved and respected and how they need to spread that same love and respect.


Why Moments That Matter? 

Antonio: A few months ago I sat in a graveyard with one of my mentors and he said “Why are you so uneasy?” I said, “I have been running from the graveyard for 20 years. Some of my friends are here and some of my kids who went astray are here.” I titled this episode Moments That Mather because tomorrow is a promise.


Action Challenge 

I want you to go outside of your home and help someone. Mentor them. Women, mentor young ladies. Men, mentor young men. Once you’re in a comfortable place help someone else.
I want to challenge a 100 men to get out their and mentor those in their area. It can be your sons best friend or neighbor, just reach out to those who need it.


Signing off: Everybody! #BeGoodDoGood, #BeGoodDoGood, #BeGoodDoGood….. For more info, listen below.


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“It’s not just a podcast, it’s a movement”


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