Bonnie lives a cruelty free life caring for those unwanted souls who are unable to care for themselves and have been mutilated and treated with disrespect. Bonnie unveils the truth behind assisted living homes and the torment those suffer for their inability to live life without the love and care of others. “It’s very important […]

Bonnie lives a cruelty free life caring for those unwanted souls who are unable to care for themselves and have been mutilated and treated with disrespect. Bonnie unveils the truth behind assisted living homes and the torment those suffer for their inability to live life without the love and care of others. “It’s very important that those who are unable to care for themselves are loved.” -Bonnie Bechek


The Biz4GoodShow

#Begooddogood #Biz4goodshow #Goodagainstthenoise


We are family friendly and fun. We say all the F words except one.


About the Show

Ladies and gentlemen… Welcome to the Biz4GoodShow, introducing your hosts Bobby Glen James & the… Ryan Pilkington. We are two fun adventurous entrepreneurs sharing the experiences of the “real” secret to business success. Where we highlight misfits outcasts and renegades for the being good and doing good movement. We spotlight people that are changing the world by having integrity and honesty and creating an environment of connection, thus showing the true seeker to success and creating a life of greater impact. There is so much bad noise in the world. Let’s fight against the noise by spreading the GOOD AGAINST THE NOISE! So come on board and create your own Biz4Good Life. #GoodAgainstTheNoise #BeGoodDoGood #Biz4GoodShow

Follow us on: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedInYoutube, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Play Music, Digital Podcast, and all other podcast outlets.


Episode Discovery

Quotes From the Show
Turn Your Million Dollar Idea, Into a Million Dollar BUSINESS! –Builderall
Become a “Builderall” Affiliate. (Read Here)
Who is Bonnie Bechek?
Episode Notes

Diving Deep with Bonnie
Bonnie’s Calling Moment
Google Challenge
Bonnie’s Response
What’s Your Take on No Bad Days?
Changing Your Perspective, Take it Out of Your Vocabulary.

What does Biz4Good mean to you?
Action Challenge
Signing off: #BeGoodDoGood (3x)
Find us on Social Media


Quotes From the Show

“We need more good days!” -Bonnie Bechek
“It’s very important that those who are unable to care for themselves are loved.” -Bonnie Bechek
“A hug and smile can change someone’s whole day.” -Bonnie Bechek
“The world is a beautiful place. Take a second to look around and be thankful.” -Bobby Glen James
“What you look at is what you see.” -Bobby Glen James
“You can choose to change your perspective in any situation.” -Bonnie Bechek
“Life can suck or life can be great, it’s your choice.” -Bobby Glen James
“Hate does not fix hate!” -Bobby Glen James


Turn Your Million Dollar Idea,

Into a Million Dollar BUSINESS!

Builderall helps entrepreneurs and businesses quickly bring their ideas to life with the most complete digital online business builder and marketing platform on the web.

Builderall, the best digital marketing tool that we could find. We are always talking about sales funnels, websites, emailers, phone apps, and all that jazz. There are a variety of tools out there, but we only use one. BUILDERALL!” -Bobby glen James & Ryan Pilkington


Who is Bonnie Bechek?

Bonnie moved to Utah 3 years ago to live closer to her family. She is a registered nurse with 30 years of experience. She has worked in everything from maternal child health, adult foster care, home care, and is currently working for Elevation hospice as a Clinical Case Manager in Heber City, Utah. She owned a private duty care company and an assisted living home.

Bonnie has a very loving and caring soul. She does not tolerate abuse towards those who are unable to care for themselves, such as children, elderly, and animals. Bonnie and her husband own 7 abused horses. Before, their living conditions ranged from severe physical abuse, neglect, and starvation. When Bonnie is not working she cares for the horses, giving them all the love and attention they deserve.

About 10 years ago she made a conscious decision to change her perspective and deleted the phrase “Having a bad day,” from her vocabulary. She realized there was hope, love, friendship, and someone to care for everyday. There is no reason to have a bad day when you can share a good day with someone who needs it the most.

Find Bonnie: [email protected]LinkedIn/Bonnie, Facebook/Bonnie 


Episode Notes: No More Bad Days!

Diving Deep with Bonnie

When Bonnie owned an assistant living facility she cared for an older gentleman named Benny. He was different, like Forest Gump. Benny suffered with a handful of medical problems. He bounced around from one hospital to the next, being treated unfairly… After a few tough days, Bonnie was finally able to admit him to a hospital. She sat beside Benny all night never leaving his side, even past visiting hours.

Bonnie began contemplating the hardships Benny had to endure the last few days. All of a sudden, this voice said “Now you know how this man feels every day of his life,” Bonnie said “Well… not everyday of his life…, not since I came into it.” The voice said “Yes! You do it out of love, but you treat him differently than the other men.” Bonnie realized she treated Benny differently because she knew he had a hard life. She would make his favorite dinner just a little bit more often and give him a cookie that was just a little bit bigger. The voice said “And yet, this which you have been tasked with, protecting the innocent, you have taken up well and I am proud to call you daughter.”


Bonnie’s Calling Moment

When Bonnie was 15 years old she started collecting abused horses. She realized, the one thing she could not tolerate was cruelty targeted at those who were unable to care for themselves. She knew this was her calling.

The voice only strengthened Bonnie’s calling and purpose on earth! She is more sure than ever.


Bobby is at a loss for words! You guys know this is rare.

Bonnie: So when does the laughing start?

Bobby: Now! Let’s have some fun People!


Google Challenge

Search: (No more Bad Days.) Click the 3rd page and discover the chosen site (BYU I Scroll).


“No More Bad Days” gives away free hugs by Emily Brady

Written by: Deven Kosciusko

Passersby collected their free hugs from members of the student-run “No More Bad Days” depression and anxiety support group.

Michael Menendez, co-founder of the support group and a senior studying communication, said the ten-to-fifteen members meet once a week and discuss how they personally cope with anxiety and depression.

Menendez said. “I think our biggest goal is to let everyone know that no matter what – no matter what – whatever it is you’re going through, we love you and we’re here.”


-MICHAEL BACA SOTO | Scroll Photography

Bonnie’s Response

It’s true, hugs are very powerful and you have to start somewhere, but some depression and anxiety are clinical so medication does play a role. It does help to escape and give service to others.


What’s Your Take on No Bad Days?

Bonnie: About 10 years ago I was listening to the radio and they discussed taking the word “should” out of your vocabulary -should implies pressure- “You should do this.” I thought, well what other phrases or words could we delete from our vocabulary.

When people say “I am having a bad day,” it contaminants their whole day. It starts when you wake up, step on the cat, spill coffee, can’t find your shoes, can’t find the keys… and so on. It’s going to be a bad day and it is because you just declared it a bad day. Just because you are not having the best of luck does not mean it’s a bad day, it just means it’s a bad hour. You can fix this, it will pass. Don’t let little frustrations get in the way of your whole day.


Changing Your Perspective, Take it Out of Your Vocabulary.

Bonnie: I was talking to my patients sister and the sister said “When I die God is not going to let me into heaven because I didn’t make my sister do this.” I said I don’t like that God. That’s not the God I choose to believe in. I choose to believe in a God that says “For 45 years you stood by your sisters side through all the good and bad and you tried.” That is the God I believe in. The sister was crying and she replied with “Well what about my sister?” Who had on and off depression and contemplated suicide. The sister said “She’s not going to be accepted into heaven” and I said “That is not the God I choose to believe in. The God I believe in would tell your sister that despite the challenges in your life you tried and I am so proud of you because you tried.”

Bobby: I choose to believe my God has a sense of humor and looks down and laughs at us. Religion is a funky thing and it gets crazy, but in my mind God is loving.

Bonnie: I agree!!!

Ryan: So when I break the milk (pass gas or did he really break a glass of milk…?) am I supposed to say “I am having a great day,” how am I supposed to do that?

Bonnie: Its milk, deal with it. No… I think people come into your life for a reason. There is either something you need to learn or teach them. I believe things happen for a reason. Ryan, you broke the milk and that made you 5 minutes late and the guy that ran the stop sign didn’t hit you.

Bobby: Wow! When you look at it that way you just had a really great day Ryan. Things happen for a reason even if you don’t know the why’s and if’s.


What Does Biz4good Mean to You? 

Bonnie: When I owned an assistant living home I was not very good at managing money. Most people say “Thank God for hospice nurses,” but no… thank God for accountants.

One day the hospital called and asked me if I could take in a homeless woman who just had a heart attack. We had enough food, but no beds and I knew they were not going to pay me, but I took her in. Then I got a phone call from a lady who said they would pay me in full for their dad to stay. I thought “Oh no…,” but what are we going to do differently? Sometimes the right thing to do is not easy. We kept the homeless lady for a month, with no pay. She was clean, dry, cared for and fed. One morning she disappeared and we never saw her again.

I had someone ask me one time… What if you are wrong about God?
Well then, I lost nothing. I lived a good life. I can look in the mirror and be proud of the many people and animals I have cared for.


Action Challenge

Bonnie: I would love to see a world that is cruelty free, if the world was cruelty free, everything else would fall into place.

Look around, when you see cruelty do something about it! Change your perspective, live the be good do good mindset, challenge yourself, and never say “I am having a bad day.”
You may see cruelty in a form you do not tolerate and you may be quick to judge. It’s human nature to see the worst and judge, the news does that for us. Take a second, breath, and find out why this act of crime was committed before you rule out the inevitable.


“Understanding is connecting and connecting is loving and loving is changing.”
-Ileana Brown (Producer)


Good Against the Noise!!! There is so much bad noise in the world; from bad business practice, to bad marketing tips. Let’s get above the noise by speaking from the rooftops about the good. 


Signing off: Everybody! #BeGoodDoGood, #BeGoodDoGood, #BeGoodDoGood….. For more info, listen below.


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“It’s not just a podcast, it’s a movement”



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