In 2014 Jessica Kupferman and Elsie Escobar started a Facebook Group called She Podcasts.  They did it because they both knew so many amazing women podcasters and wanted to create a place where they could all help each other.  As the group grew and grew, the community continued to ask for one thing: an event to bring them together.  

And although they attempted to a few times, nothing really ever took off.  

Until this year.  

The first ever She Podcasts Live is happening on October 10-13, 2019 in Atlanta, Georgia.  Check out for more information. 

During our conversation, Jessica is talking very openly about what that process of getting her first live event off the ground has looked like.  

She shares…

What the first few attempts at live events have been and why they just didn’t seem right.  The tough conversations she and Elsie had to have as business partners to figure out how they were going to create this event.  Why Jess decided to launch a Kickstarter campaign for She Podcasts Live How her Kickstarter campaign ended up being backed 200% and raising $50k! Her commitment and vision for every single woman who attends her event

This episode will be especially helpful for you if you are wanting to put on your own live event for your community!

Are you a podcaster?  Or thinking about podcasting?  You have to be at She Podcasts Live!  Go get your ticket today!

Do your products and services serve women podcasters?  Consider sponsoring She Podcasts Live! You can check out more about the sponsorship options here: