The Great 8: The Top 8 Most Downloaded Episodes

The Great 8 Series features an 8 week countdown of the top 8
most downloaded shows on the Biz Women Rock podcast.  There's
a reason these shows have been listened to by so many people all
over the world!

#Michelle Bomberger of Equinox...enjoy!


How do you build a successful law firm doing everything


Listen to our Interview with Michelle Bomberger, Founder of
Equinox Business Law Group to find out!

This ain't yo average law firm! Michelle Bomberger has built her
law firm by doing everything backwards.  She builds her team
by acquiring people with business skills first and she has an
amazing flat fee service model, which she goes into great detail
about. She believes in having a life-long relationship with her
clients so she can be a part of their leadership and strategic
planning for their businesses.  Michelle is very involved with
her community and goes through a fantastic legal Q&A on this