Linda Berger is the creator of Business Women Warriors, a 90 Day program that helps ambitious business women focus in on ONE GOAL they have and work on it intentionally (and with accountability!) so they can achieve it!  Her program is the culmination of years of being a productivity coach and she has a gift for helping clients create results when they FOCUS.  


During this LIVE COACHING SESSION, I’m helping Linda strategize practical ways to get more women in her 90 Day Business Women Warriors Challenge!  Because this will allow her to realize her big dream of creating a movement!  


If you’ve ever wanted to attract MORE of your ideal customers to your programs, then this is the episode for you!


To find out more about Linda and her program, check out her website here →


These LIVE COACHING SESSIONS are here so you can get deep insight into business issues, ideas and challenges that we all face as we create strategies, solutions and action plans that you can benefit from!  It's also a great way to see just how transformative it can be to allow another qualified person into your business so you can save time, money and energy that you would normally take figuring it out on your own!  We're in this together!

If you are interested in private coaching and strategy, then let’s talk!  You can set up a 15 Minute Match Session to see if we’re a perfect match! ;)