Anna Seewald is the Founder of Authentic Parenting.  She’s a coach, educator, podcaster and mother who provides tons of resources for parents.  About half of her company’s revenue comes in from a very specific type of parenting education - a 12 week parenting class that’s been court ordered.  These parents are not choosing to take this class, but are mandated to do so.  It’s a very special niche that Anna gets a lot of joy from serving.


After Anna books these sessions with these parents, a majority of them either don’t show up or cancel last minute, despite her current reminder system.


It’s a major frustration for her because she feels like her time is wasted! (we can all relate, right?!).  During our LIVE COACHING call, I get down to the nitty gritty of Anna’s process with the ultimate belief that we train others how to treat us.  


We talk about her step by step process and make minor, but significant tweaks in it so she can make sure she’s properly communicating how she works.  We also talk through how she can set expectations - including how she’s collecting payments in advance - so the show up rate is just one of many benefits!  We discuss the use of a cancellation policy and creating a standard process that all clients can follow!


This LIVE COACHING call is perfect for you if you have ever dealt with “flaky” clients or feel like your time is being wasted by others.  Or if you feel like your schedule is all over the place because you’re trying to make things work for everyone (instead of you setting the standard for how you work!).  


You can find out more about Anna here →

These LIVE COACHING SESSIONS are here so you can get deep insight into business issues, ideas and challenges that we all face as we create strategies, solutions and action plans that you can benefit from!  It's also a great way to see just how transformative it can be to allow another qualified person into your business so you can save time, money and energy that you would normally take figuring it out on your own!  We're in this together!

If you are interested in private coaching and strategy, then let’s talk!  You can set up a 15 Minute Match Session to see if we’re a perfect match! ;)