I know we hear about productivity so much and how being more productive is how we will ultimately be successful in business. But sometimes, all that lip service about productivity can detach us from what it actually looks like to be productive in your business!

That’s why I’m bringing the amazing Nicole Carver on the show today. She’s sharing a total of 8 productivity hacks that she has intentionally implemented over the past year that have helped her grow significantly! Not only is she identifying the hacks, but how they actually look in her business. It’s a true case study for business growth told through the lens of productivity!

Nicole is the CEO of Carver Concierge, an agency that provides personal concierge and lifestyle management services to clients such as managing the laundry, household tasks, organizational projects (like moving or Holiday decorating). They entrust Nicole and her team to still get these necessary things done and done well!

I’ve had the pleasure of being Nicole’s coach and business strategist for two years now and I’ve seen her grow her business from solopreneur to full-fledged agency that successfully manages a growing number of client needs with the white glove service her brand promises. Here are the productivity hacks she used to get there:

Her number one hack she’s implemented every single day that has completely changed how she prioritizes her time and tasks!
The 3 tech tools she’s implemented this past year and how they have ultimately saved her and her team TONS of time (but is also very honest about the fact that they took a while to implement!)
How a business credit card has helped her with cash flow management in her business and how using her business credit card has streamlined her financial work!

8 Productivity Hacks Nicole identifies:

Know your stop time every day Batch your tasks Block out times / days that are meant for certain types of tasks Use a business credit card to manage cash flow, client expenses and make life simpler! Leverage and implement tech tools that make everything easier Delegate Create boundaries to manage others’ expectations Take care of yourself first!

At the end of this conversation, Nicole shares a powerful realization that she’s had after implementing all these productivity tools - that systems are self-care, because they allow you the freedom to own your business instead of your business owning you. So powerful!

If you’ve been looking for a tangible way to see how committing to being more productive in your business actually looks - and for the results it can truly create for you - then this is the episode for you!