Intentionality.  That is the theme of today’s conversation with the amazing Tonya Dalton, founder of Inkwell Press, a company that provides products and services for women who want to be more productive and purposeful with the things they value in life.  She offers customized planners, journals, notepads and educational courses that can help you spend your time in the most important places in your life!


After years of growing a “successful” business, she realized she wasn’t really fulfilled by it the way she really wanted to be.  So, she did something that takes a lot of courage - she spent the time to get really clear about who she is, what she really wanted to do, how she wanted to make an impact in the world and created a business that reflected all that.  She completely stopped her business - a company that was paying the bills for her household - and turned all her attention onto growing her new company, Inkwell Press.  


The intentionality - and therefore the actions she took to launch that business - paid off.  She launched her planners to the world in 2014 and within 18 months had grown it to a 7 figure business that was run by just 3 employees - herself,  her husband and one other employee.


And she hasn’t looked back since!  


During this conversations, Tonya delves into…


How to get intentional with your business, your products and your marketing...and how that can create massive results!

How she stays connected to what she calls her “north star” and why that bleeds into everything she does.

The difference between a loyal customer and a returning customer (and her secret sauce for creating more loyal customers)!

The practical breakdown of how she organizes her days, weeks, months and years so she can constantly be purposeful in how she’s showing up to her business and life!


Tonya is the embodiment of everything I believe in business...that when you approach your business from the inside out, starting with YOUR VALUES, then results can happen FAST!  


You can find out more about Tonya and her amazing productivity planners and courses here →


And check out her podcast too! Productivity Paradox →



I have a big secret for you: you do NOT have to struggle for years to create a profitable and purposeful business that you actually enjoy showing up for every day! It takes 3 things to create relatively fast results: Clarity, Focus and INTENTIONAL Actions.  These are the 3 things I continue to provide support and accountability for for my private coaching clients and it’s work that lights me up! (and gives them accountability, guidance, strategy and massive mindset shifts!).


If you are ready to give up the struggle and have your BEST YEAR YET in the year ahead, then apply today for my 1 Year Coaching Program!


From March 2019 through March 2020, I’m working deeply with just a handful of driven, passionate and determined women entrepreneurs who are ready to step into their greatness and finally see the results they know they deserve!


As of now, just 6 more spots remain!  


Find out more about my 1 Year Private Coaching Program and apply today at


PS: Yes, I’m on maternity leave as you’re listening to this and yes, I’m responding to applications as they come in!  They are so much fun to read!


I know you have a big why and I know you have the fuel inside of you to make the shift from “just getting by” to truly having the business of your dreams.  And that’s what I’m here to support in my 1 Year Private Coaching Program.


I can’t wait to hear from you!

