In this episode of Biz Alchemy, Jacquelyn discusses what it means to do business from the inside out. When our education system has trained us to hand over our power and seek external validation from others about whether we are doing the “right” thing or not, it can be easy to fall into the same trap when it comes to our business.

She shares three signs that may indicate you’re doing business from the outside in, and how by trusting your intuition, you can shift the focus so that you move more deeply into doing business from the inside out. 

If you’d like to explore this further, join her free playshop, Your Biz, Your Rules! 5 steps to an intuitively-led business on Thursday, August 4th. A replay is available if you can’t be live. Register at

Join in her weekly livestreams on the business chakras by subscribing to her YouTube channel at