-- Our once beloved Jim Brown has ascended to being a true villain and protagonist in the Black community. Much like Anikan Skywalker who started out one with the force and slowly went over to the "Dark Side" , Jim Brown has gone from unapologetic civil rights activist to pansy for white supremacy. In fact, we call him Jim Clown now.

Remember Harvey Dent's, a.k.a Two-Face, quote from the Dark Knight? "You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain." This has happened to Jim Brown, as well as others from the Civil Rights era.

In 1967, Jim Brown led the Cleveland Summit, a group of high profile African American athletes who gathered to decide whether or not to stand together and support Muhammad Ali. Earlier that year Ali refused being drafted into the U.S. military on the grounds of his objections to the Vietnam War, due to his religious beliefs as a member of the Nation of Islam. In that moment, Jim Brown (as well as his cohorts) showed that athletes could be political. He was a hero to the Black community.

That was then.

Since then, Jim Brown has spent decades being accused of beating women (which he admits to) and fighting rape accusations. Despite having done positive work in the Black community over the years, like working with inner city gang members, the Hall of Fame Running Back has not been a model Black citizen, yet no one talks about it!

In the Black community, we are taught to respect our elders; often times blindly. In America, we are taught to exalt ANYONE who claims to have marched with Dr. King, like when people wanted to give Bernie Sanders a chance after learning he marched with MLK. Sadly, many of these Civil Rights Era activists have lived long enough to see themselves become the villain.

In 2016, NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick gained national attention when he began protesting by not standing while the United States national anthem was being performed before the start of games, due to the police brutality of people of color in the U.S. He is currently being punished for his silent protest, as no NFL team has signed him.

In 2016, prior to the election of Donald Trump, Jim Brown stood 100% with the quarterback. Afterwards, when Trump was elected, Jim Brown supported him. Mind you, Trump has been propped up by white supremacists!

Suddenly, Jim Brown doesn't support Kaepernick's protest. Jim "Clown" has gone all the way to the "Dark Side" now. Listen to find out more.

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