Previous Episode: Mining the data of podcasts
Next Episode: Are we Megatron?

Praise and critique for audio dramas, AudioBoom goes boom (maybe), and banter about Banter.

Praise and critique for audio dramas, AudioBoom goes boom (maybe), and banter about Banter.

In the continuing saga to find Mark a new favorite podcast, he reveals he has subscribed to one recommendation, and completed a whole season of another. Progress!

This week Brendan suggested The Phenomenon, an audio drama based on a book by the same name about aliens and the secret society humans devised as humanity’s safegaurd.

Mark elaborates on how a patent troll has failed and the history of AudioBoom, the latter of which is facing severe financial troubles at the moment after a failed merger.

In response to last week’s discussion with Bradley about social podcast apps, Twitter user @LonelyBob suggested Banter! We are enjoying the app and we discuss the features that seem to be working well. On Banter, 🙈 is @ThePodPlaylist and 🧔🏻 is @iamsteadman, as any reasonable person would expect. Join us!

🙈 Brendan hopes you’ll support the IndieGoGo for season 2 of Unplaced, the audio drama he edits and writes the music for.

The call to action!

Podchaser is running a contest to raise awareness of their review sharing feature. If you review an episode or podcast, say… BitRate for example, and share that review on social media (tagging in @podchaser and using the hashtag #chasingpods), you’re entered to win a pair of CAD Audio headphones!

For every episode you review of BitRate, we are entered to win a new microphone, so we can sound better for you! (or really just 🙈, ‘cause he’s in the US and needs the mic more.)

It would not only be an ego boost, but it’s an oppertunity for us both to get free audio gear! So happy reviewing!


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