For long time, there have been rumours in print magazines about new machines coming up. Finally, in the autumn of 1992 new machines appeared on the horizon. Amiga 1200 and Atari Falcon 030 were their names. This was reason for so much joy, due to the new and faster 68020/68030 processor, unbelievable 16.7 million displayable colors and chrystal clear sound capabilities of 50khz. Virgin lands of state of the Art of technology waited to be explored. On the other side, some of us were in deep love with the good old and trusty Amiga 500 or Atari ST. And some of them were even a bit afraid, that the new machine may make everyone forget about their little brothers. Still, having both old and new at the same time induced a big push in creativity. Feel it again with this Podcast!

Mixing by Vincenzo, jingle by Virgill, logo #91 by H2O, compiled by 505