Episode #216 – Best Compo Tracks from 20 years of Evoke
Two decades of Evoke... Oh boy, that means countless hours of great compo music and the birth of many genius and creative talents. Artists who know how to deliver a great listening experience or who successfully experimented in a silly and funny way. Long before KEVIN we heard about a fountain called Jockel. We learned that Paniq doesn't need any instruments for making music. Enjoying phat beats from glxblt, Bitch or dq was as awesome as hearing the comeback of legendary BitArts. Also don't forget Crome, who can do the chip-style as good as heavy metal music. These all are moments we'd like to share with you again in this episode, featuring the best compo tracks from 20 years of Evoke!

Mixed by Vincenzo, logo by Oni, compiled by Bobic