Too Many Seeds with Gabrielle Myers

Too Many Seeds contains poetic meditations that explore food and nourishment in its complex glory as experienced through field, kitchen, and food factory work as well as more metaphorical ways of feeding the soul. There is an invisible food economy which many of us are not aware of. From being down in the fields with leaves and roots, to the gassed, sanitized, and inspected world of a dried fruit factory, to the end result of kitchen and catering work, 

Too Many Seeds takes us on a journey with food production, particularly focused on what this means in America. The poems present intimate snapshots and explorations on how food comes to us and carefully considers how we tend to the earth, others we are in community with as well as ourselves, and what that means for our nourishment.

Gabrielle is a professor, writer, and chef. Gabrielle’s memoir, Hive-Mind, details her time of love, awakening, and tragic loss on an organic farm. Access links to her memoir, published poems, essays, interviews, YouTube cooking channel, and seasonal recipe blog through her website:


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