Life Interrupted: Dr. Dua's Survival Guide with Dr. Parul Dua Makkar

Life Interrupted is a moving, poignant, heartfelt book that shares the insights and experiences of a man dying and suffering, but who also expresses hope, gratitude, and strength. His story, additionally calls attention to oral cancer, something he ironically diagnosed for a living – and himself.

The possibilities for health, happiness, and inner peace exist within our own consciousness and are empowered through our attention and intention. Dr. Makkar shares wisdom drawn from her brother's words as well as highlighting the lifestyle choices we can choose to create balance, wholeness, and pure potential in our lives.

Dr. Makkar reflects “Manu had a gift of writing eloquently. He was very verbal and open about his journey. This book was in the works during his last days. I would have liked for him to see his dream a reality, but time was not on our side. Even  though he isn’t here today, I wanted to make this book come to light in his honor.”

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