Childrens Corner: The Magic Blanket with Judy Mastrangelo

Amy’s fantastical adventure begins when her Mother gives her a Magic Blanket that she decorated with pictures of a Wondrous Dream World. As Amy goes to bed that night, a little Elf hops out of the Blanket and asks her to go with him on an exciting voyage to this Fairy Tale Realm. 

Judy Mastrangelo has written and illustrated several books, which include themes of Poetry, Fairytales, and Fairies. She follows in the tradition of “The Art of the Golden Age of Illustration”. Besides creating books, her artwork has been used in several Inspirational Oracle Card Decks, as well as some that she has also written herself. She licenses her artwork for many products, including Art Prints and Wall Murals. Judy has taught Creative Drama and Dance as well as Painting, to Children and Adults, and has directed her own Community Theater for all ages.

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