All About Numbers: Attract Luck, Abundance, and Joy Based on Your Numbers with Jesse Kalsi

That is because it’s the discovery of Jesse Kalsi, a world-renowned counselor sought out by Hollywood and Bollywood stars, Silicon Valley billionaires, real estate moguls, entertainment companies and people just like you. Jesse has discovered the inter-connection between the planets and numbers. 

So if something isn’t working in your life, your numbers may tell the story! Including the numbers represented by the individual planets that are connected to you. Further, Jesse says there are “heavy numbers” that will stop you—or anyone else-- in their tracks—numbers to be avoided at all costs and there are VERY lucky numbers, too!

Jesse is a world-renowned AstroNumerologist. He specializes in residential and business numerology and provides valuable insight on the power of numbers and how they affect our lives. In his books, The Power of Home Numbers and All About Numbers, he combines his Eastern upbringing with his Western experience to bring awareness and understanding of this


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