Episode #65: Ian Panchevre: Men Will Be Angels?

On today’s show I have the great privilege of speaking with Ian Panchevre (pronounced pun-shev). Ian is a political scientist from Yale whose primary studies include political theory and political psychology. Most recently, Ian has been researching the internal politics of the Bitcoin community. He's interested in both the "informal power networks" that have formed among miners and core developers, as well as the "formal power structures" like the Bitcoin Foundation. He will be self-publishing his research paper at the end of April. Beyond his studies in political science, Ian is a technology entrepreneur. His current business, Prepd, is building educational technology. Ian was recently offered deferred admissions to Harvard Business School and Stanford Graduate School of Business; he plans to enroll in business school in a few years. Ian is originally from San Antonio, TX.

Professional transcriptions are provided each week by one of our fans who can be found at:



Ian Panchevre – Yale University


John Locke's Second Treatise of Government - http://www.earlymoderntexts.com/pdfs/locke1689a.pdf

Robert Nozick's Anarchy, State, and Utopia - http://www.colorado.edu/philosophy/provisionalia/nozick.pdf

Václav Havel's Power of the Powerless - http://vaclavhavel.cz/showtrans.php?cat=eseje&val=2_aj_eseje.html&typ=HTML

Peter Ludlow's Crypto Anarchy, Cyberstates, and Pirate Utopias - http://www.amazon.com/Crypto-Anarchy-Cyberstates-Pirate-Utopias/dp/0262621517

Richard Sclove's Democracy and Technology - http://www.amazon.com/Democracy-Technology-Conduct-Science-Series/dp/089862861X

Articles and Papers:

Sarah Jeong's "The Bitcoin Protocol as Law, and the Politics of a Stateless Currency" - http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2294124

Gervais, Karame, and Capkun's "Is Bitcoin a Decentralized Currency?" - https://eprint.iacr.org/2013/829.pdf

Kroll, Davey, and Felten's "The Economics of Bitcoin Mining, or Bitcoin in the Presence of Adversaries" - http://www.weis2013.econinfosec.org/papers/KrollDaveyFeltenWEIS2013.pdf

Vinay Gupta's "Governing Bitcoin" talk - http://vinay.howtolivewiki.com/blog/other/my-bitcoin-expo-london-talk-nov-2013-with-transcript-3539



[email protected]


Ode To Satoshi

Ode to Satoshi lyrics & melody by John Barrett
Copyright 2014 RJM Publishing - BMI Nashville.

Interviews for this episode were recorded and edited by John Barrett at The Tree House Studio - Nashville, Tennessee. All shows are produced by John Barrett with the moral support of his trusty sidekick Maxwell Rascalnikov CoyoTe Rex, aka Max.

Theme song “Gravy” by the band, Eleanor Roosevelt with Elijah “Lij” Shaw on fiddle.

And a big thank you for moral support from my good friends at The Tennessee Bitcoin Alliance:

Questions or Comments?

Email me to say Howdy!: [email protected]

Visit theWebsite: BitcoinsAndGravy.com

Bitcoins and Gravy Tipping Addresses:

Bitcoin: 1ByqQXLTm9JZGSwnfqCCakaifBt3grQkXS
Litecoin: LgqYgxLTBPgr8C1JGLLJVLK4ZN1fveprAp

And if you don’t feel like contacting me, just kick back, relax and enjoy the show.
I hope you enjoy listening to my guests as much as I enjoy talking with them!