One of the great powers that Bitcoin and the blockchain offer the contemporary world is the support it extends to many people from previously disadvantaged backgrounds. Today's big discussion focuses on one such story, as we are joined by Justin Rhedrick, AKA The Bitcoin Vegan, to share his story of struggles before discovering and diving into the decentralized world! We get to hear from Justin and an array of other guests about why Bitcoin is a better avenue than any other, especially for ex-cons, and people with less financial backing. This leads to some thoughts on Bitcoin's applicability to everyone, and how it can work so well as a force of liberation for those who need it. Justin shares some very personal and insightful reflections on his journey, the important moments that defined his progress, and impacted his success in the space so far. So for a truly inspiring chat about how we might use Bitcoin as a building block for a brighter future for more people, listen in with us today!