I was recently listening to the Citizen Bitcoin podcast (one of my favourites) and Erik Cason was the guest. I was enthralled by how Erik was articulating so many profound thoughts, strung together one after the other, in an extremely open and genuine manner. As soon as the interview ended, I was super excited to have my own conversation with Erik, so I DM'd him on Twitter and invited him on the show. 

Thankfully he obliged, and we had an awesome 2-hour conversation about some of the deeper philosophical, political and personal implications of bitcoin.

Many of the concepts we discussed have been expanded on in many of Erik's great articles at his blog, https://cryptosovereignty.org/



More from Erik:

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Erikcason

WEBSITE: https://cryptosovereignty.org/

More from me:

TWITTER: http://bit.ly/2P7PUjA

YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/3aBbZxg

MEDIUM: http://bit.ly/2Zk0Dex

INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/30r7IqY

If you’re in Canada, and looking to buy bitcoin, Shakepay is an excellent option. They have the fastest sign up, funding and withdrawals I’ve ever seen. They also have really great rates. Use this affiliate link to buy $100+ of bitcoin and we both get $10 fee: https://shakepay.me/r/FEW1DR0


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