Fed Watch is a macro podcast like no other, with a clear contrarian thesis of a deflationary financial system’s breakdown leading to bitcoin adoption. We question narratives and schools of thought, trying to form our own understanding. Each episode we use current events to question mainstream and bitcoin narratives across the globe, with an emphasis on central banks and currencies.

In this episode, CK and I go on a wide ride through 2022 in a Year in Review episode. We spend the first half of the show talking about bitcoin’s major events of the year and how it affected price.

The second half of the show is dedicated to central banks actions this year. We watch an amazing video from Lagarde from July of this year, when she was grilled on how she will bring down the European Central Bank’s (ECB) balance sheet. Her response was, “it will come.” What a great example of central bank incompetence. We cover what the Federal Reserve has done this year, and briefly talk about the other central banks.

Lastly, we go through several macro charts, starting with the dollar, then oil and other commodities, the Consumer Price Index (CPI), and finally, we end on US Treasury yields. We examine how these numbers have moved throughout the year, and what they tell us about what may lie ahead.

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Ansel Lindner: https://twitter.com/AnselLindner

Christian Keroles: https://twitter.com/ck_snarks

Watch this Episode: YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/BitcoinMagazine  ||  Rumble https://rumble.com/c/BitcoinMagazine

Slide deck https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1V-EgzbHHVmMRJEYV_w1D1ca-85GJ1Omoij0JtfNsPGY/edit?usp=sharing

Russia State Assets Frozen https://sputniknews.com/20221130/who-froze-russian-assets-abroad-and-what-might-happen-to-them-1104886435.html

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Written by Ansel Lindner


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