Welcome to Ledger Cast, hosted by me, Brian Krogsgard (@ledgerstatus on twitter), and Josh Olszewicz (@carpenoctom). Ledger Cast is a cryptocurrency trading and blockchain ecosystem podcast. Ledger Cast is brought to you in partnership with Brave New Coin.

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The information in this podcast should not be construed as investment advice, it is purely educational material and you should always do your own research before buying.

In this episode, Josh and I talk about a bunch of news and our key price levels for Bitcoin.

We discuss nation states banning crypto -- India being the biggest example in the news today. I go in depth on how Algorand completely screwed up what was supposed to be a "fair" distribution of their tokens, in effect helping their earliest investors dump on retail for huge multiples of profits, leaving exchange buyers totally holding the bag.


We spend time talking exchanges, exchange tokens, the rush to futures, and more. We discussed FTX.com and their products I find interesting, LedgerX's CEO going ham on Twitter and their PR guy quitting, and more.

We discuss Josh's price and fundamental analysis on LiteCoin, BAT, and NEM.

And of course we dig into pricing -- with a focus on Bitcoin and a discussion about my Tezos position. Here are a couple charts related.

Bitcoin is at resistance inside the cloud and under Kijun

I highlight some key zones and why I think the Bollinger Bands matter

My Tezos trade and setup

Here's the episode:

Other links

Algorand's silly distribution thing.

Find Josh and Brian elsewhere

Josh's articles on Brave New Coin
Josh's YouTube channel
Josh on Twitter @carpenoctom
Brian on Twitter @ledgerstatus
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Brave New Coin offers institutional grade crypto market data, tracking 1500+ digital & cryptographic assets from 250+ exchanges 24/7/365. They have excellent market analysis, news, data, and tools for traders. Check out Brave New Coin and subscribe to their newsletter.

Music: "Oh, the chains" by Joel Madison Blount

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