Welcome to Ledger Cast, hosted by me, Brian Krogsgard (@ledgerstatus on twitter), and Josh Olszewicz (@carpenoctom). Ledger Cast is a cryptocurrency trading and blockchain ecosystem podcast.

You can subscribe to new episodes of Ledger Cast on iTunes, on Google Play, on YouTube and via RSS.

In this episode we go into the fiasco that was Coinbase adding Bitcoin Cash, the way it went down, the accusations being made, and what we think more generally about what will happen now. We also inevitably discuss Bitcoin Cash more broadly and how we feel about it.

The information in this podcast should not be construed as investment advice, it is purely educational material and you should always do your own research before buying.

News items of the week

Bitcoin Cash on Coinbase / Gdax
Initial announcement
Our thoughts on how it was handled
Accusations of insider trading
Our thoughts on regulatory bodies stepping in and threats of that
Is this some kind of war?
Charlie Lee dumped his Litecoin on us (says he donated it). Zero Hedge is claiming a rumor that it was for a Facebook deal -- his Litecoin bag must be massive.
Other fiat on-ramps that exist and FDIC considerations for that
Gdax's digital asset framework
Gdax support document on Bitcoin Cash.
Coinbase's misleading roadmap.
Roger Ver thinks insider trading is fine.
Twitter Moment on potential CME consequences.




There was a lot of other chatter around this event, but this is a start. We also discuss the price action of the listing, after closing, and otherwise.

Find Josh and Brian elsewhere

Josh's articles on Brave New Coin (must read material)
Josh's YouTube channel
Josh on Twitter @carpenoctom
Brian on Twitter @ledgerstatus

Interested in sponsoring?
We'd love to talk to interested parties about sponsorship opportunities. We are open to suggestions, but are not seeking deals that include promos for ICOs, etc. But if you do something interesting in the space and want to chat, contact us.

Music: "Oh, the chains" by Joel Madison Blount

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