Welcome to Ledger Cast, hosted by me, Brian Krogsgard (@ledgerstatus on twitter), and Josh Olszewicz (@carpenoctom). Ledger Cast is a cryptocurrency trading and blockchain ecosystem podcast.

You can subscribe to new episodes of Ledger Cast on iTunes, SpotifyGoogle PlayStitcherYouTube and via RSS.

The information in this podcast should not be construed as investment advice, it is purely educational material and you should always do your own research before buying.

In this episode of Ledger Cast, Josh and I discuss the move above $5k bitcoin, what that means, and a bunch of others stuff.

Links and notes

Josh's big quarterly post on Bitcoin
Travis Kling on Twitter

The Market Analysis I do for my Learn program is free this week. Be on the lookout for new signups very soon.


Find Josh and Brian elsewhere

Josh's articles on Brave New Coin
Josh's YouTube channel
Josh on Twitter @carpenoctom
Brian on Twitter @ledgerstatus

Music: "Oh, the chains" by Joel Madison Blount

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