Welcome to Ledger Cast, hosted by me, Brian Krogsgard (@ledgerstatus on twitter), and Josh Olszewicz (@carpenoctom). Ledger Cast is a cryptocurrency trading and blockchain ecosystem podcast. Ledger Cast is brought to you in partnership with Brave New Coin.

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The information in this podcast should not be construed as investment advice, it is purely educational material and you should always do your own research before buying.

In this episode, I talk to Marguerite deCourcelle -- known online mostly as Coin Artist -- the CEO and founder of Blockade Games. Blockade Games is behind Neon District, Plasma Bears, and Pineapple Arcade. Neon District is their flagship game -- a blockchain-based RPG that with a multi-phased release.

Before we get to all things Blockade, I talk to Marguerite about her art, and crypto puzzles, where she has gotten a lot of attention. Her most popular piece, TORCHED H34R7S, is up now for auction both as an NFT (non-fungible token) and a physical painting. The puzzle was solved in 2018, with a price of 5 bitcoin.

[caption id="attachment_2686" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] The puzzle painting worth 5 bitcoin[/caption]

A great Vice article digs more into the story of the person who solved the puzzle after three years.

Marguerite went on to do a lot of work in the Blockchain ecosystem around marketing and community, before starting Blockade Games.

There is so much opportunity with the games she's building, you need to listen to all of it.

Links from the show

Neon District
Blockade Games
Auction on Open Seas
Plasma Bears
Pineapple Arcade
Techstars demo pitch
Block Cities
Crypto Voxels
Coin Artist on Twitter

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Josh's articles on Brave New Coin
Josh's YouTube channel
Josh on Twitter @carpenoctom
Brian on Twitter @ledgerstatus
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Music: "Oh, the chains" by Joel Madison Blount

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