My guests are Jeff Gallas and Rootz of Fulmo, an open source company dedicated to the research and development of the Lightning Network. They are the organizers of the Lightning Hackdays and the first Lightning Conference that took place in Berlin in 2019 and are supporters of the RaspiBlitz project, a Lightning and Bitcoin full node.

“If you run a Lightning node you’re a part of replacing the VISA and Mastercard networks.” – Rootz


03:17 Introduction Fulmo

11:30 Development of the Lightning Network and the RaspiBlitz

15:00 Adoption rate of the Lightning Network

22:18 Accessibility improvements

27:20 How many payments will be possible on the Lightning Network

33:38 Most exciting Lightning projects

39:39 Why it’s important to run your own node

RaspiBlitz integrations, LND and c-lightning

52:10 Resources and RaspiBlitz communities

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