In this episode of #BITTechTalk, Greg and Ayori welcome Joshua Hoskins to the podcast to talk about his journey to becoming a consulting MVP. Joshua shares valuable tips on driving your career, taking risks, starting his own company, relationship management, life hacking, work-life balance and how to get a job offer while attending dreamforce. We even manage to get into the nitty gritty details of data modeling on cloud platforms! Tune in because won’t want to miss this podcast!About our guest:Joshua has been using computers since the age of 4 and began writing code in the 5th grade. By age 22 he was Director of IT. While being extremely passionate about Customer Relationship Management & Application Development he lives to build reliable, robust and scalable solutions just about anything you can think of.Joshua’s specialties are Development, Customization/Implementation, Data / Solution Architecture, Cloud & On-Premise Integrations, Configuration Management, Project Management, Ruby on Rails, ASP, VBScript, System Administration, Relational Databases, Networking, Computer Telephony Integration Follow him on Twitter:@jhoskin