Previous Episode: John 15... Life on The Vine
Next Episode: Great Expectations

Where We Have Been
Isaiah 40: 28-31
1. Waiting is the Right Activity
2. Rest & Healing
3. HIS Will

Where We Are Going
Philippians 3:12-14
1. Forgetting What Lies Behind
2. Reaching Ahead
3. Pressing On
a. Run to Win
b. Run With Endurance
c. Mature Faith in Christ is the Prize

How We Can Get There
Pastor Kelly
1. Bible Based - Titus 2:1
2. Vision & Leadership - Titus 1:5
3. Equip the Body - Ephesians 4:11-13
4. Intimacy with God
5. We Need God’s Help

Bishop Creek Community Church Congregation
1. Loving God - Acts 2:42-47
2. Loving Each Other - Hebrews 10:24-25,
Philippians 2:3, Ephesians 4:32, Galatians 6:2
3. Utilizing Our Gifts - Ephesians 4, Romans 12:4-8,
1 Corinthians 12
4. Community Focus - Matthew 28:18-20
5. Modeling to Children - Proverbs 22:6