"Is Jesus Enough?" Part 2
#2 in a series on Colossians


What We Don't Need to Know

What We Do Need to Know - The Enemy's Game Plan
John 10
Galatians 1:8-9
1 Timothy 1:3
1 Timothy 6:3-5
2 Peter 2:1
Jude 3-5
2 John 7-11
- Heresies and bad theology are endless...
- 1 John 1:4

What We Need to Know We Know - The Fundamentals

IS Jesus ENOUGH??? Colossians...
1. Is Jesus enough to Save us? 1:15-22
2. Is Jesus enough to Sustain us? 2:2-10
3. Is Jesus enough to Sanctify us? 3:5-8
4. Is Jesus enough to Send us? 4:2-5

Conclusion Jude 17-25