The under-representation of women, particularly at senior strategic levels, is still an issue in many organizations today. Which means both women, and the companies they work for, are missing out. In this Episode my Guest Elizabeth Batalla will share ways your organization can take stock, and maximise the potential of its female talent pool.

Elizabeth Ballata founder of The Institute for Achievement and Excellence. Shes help women quickly level up in 9 life areas so they can achieve their professional and personal transformation goals to secure leadership roles and business opportunities. She also helps companies better educate and promote their female talent.

In many industries, women are still under-represented and find it challenging to get the sponsorship they need for their professional advancement.

After 30+ years in the corporate world and mentoring many along the way, I decided to package my expertise and experience. She offers masterclasses and tailored programs that are based on The Three Forces in Achieving Excellence. A framework which contains the 9 life areas that are crucial for achieving personal and professional fulfilment.

She believes in being the change she wish to see in the world because leading by example has a greater impact than words.

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