Birth Mother Matters in Adoption Podcast Season 2, Episode 198: 20 Reasons Why Women Choose Adoption

There are a multitude of reasons that birth mothers choose adoption.  Here are twenty of the reasons...
 Too young- teen momNot ready to be a parentIn financial distressDesire for baby to have the best life possibleStruggling with addictionPregnancy is a result of rape or incestNo support – single parent maybe, no family?Life is presently unstable: unemployed/homelessWanting different things out of life:  College, Demanding Job etc…Family is not in agreement with you parenting a babyBroken up with the birth fatherCPS/DCS- state involvement with other childrenDon't believe in abortion- religiousSignificant/severe health issuesCurrently in a  Domestic Violent situationDon't have the  time/resources/patience for another childDesire for your child raised in a two parent familyThe baby will have special needs and you are unable to care for your babyAdoption is free for BMs and they may be able to receive assistanceThe belief in adoption, maybe experienced adoption before
These 20 reason for women choosing to make an adoption plan are only some of the reasons women choose adoption.

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