Birth Mother Matters in Adoption Season 2: 137:  Biological Grandparents Role in the Adoption Process

What roles can Birth Grandparents play in an adoption plan?

The “birth grandparents” are direct lineage to the adopted child, their medical history and social history matter to both the adoptee, the Aps and the birth parents.  They are more than just an extension of the BPs they can contribute the following:
Be a source of support for the Birth Parentss, especially when discussing the adoption plan with family and friendsBe a voice of reason when or if the Birth Parents struggle with their adoption choiceSupport the Birth Parents in making choices regarding the adoption plan
Assist in choosing an Adoptive FamilyWhat type of a PACACreating the Hospital PlanBe the Birth Parents’ Emergency contactCome to the hospital when the Birth Mother goes into labor, comfort and support.
You can never have too many grandparents!