Birth Mother Matters in Adoption Season 2, 127: Why Holidays Can Be Hard

Holidays can be tough on people regardless of whether or nor they have an adoption plan.  Sometimes both Adoptive Families and Birth Parents have a difficult time.  Christmas is considered by many to be the  “most wonderful time of the year,” but often it is just magnifying the trying times you may be experiencing .  The holidays  can magnify senses of loss and grief.   Memories of past holidays both good and bad can trigger various emotions and can be painful reminders of loss.

Birth Mothers

1. A reminder of the “Hallmark” Christmas cards, the perfect family, the perfect children and the perfect holiday.

2. Feeling alone when others are celebrating.

3. Childhood memories.

Adoptive Families
If just beginning the adoption process the holidays can be a reminder that parethood hasnt happened yet.If in an adoption program but not matched, the holidays may increase anxiety about the wait to parenthood.If matched with a birth mother and waiting for the baby to be born, the focus of the holidays may not be on the forefront.