Birth Mother Matters in Adoption 19: Why Adoption Aftercare Now?


Not all heroes wear capes, they just wear smiles and my mother wore I huge one.  I learned this through my own adoption story. 

I believe all people have a purpose in life; this is mine.  All the roads in my life have lead me to where I am today.  I do what I love, but more importantly, I am giving back and leaving a legacy of my mother’s story.  Life doesn’t often offer second chances or do-overs and in the death of Donna K. Evans, there is no second chance.  But what I learned and we all can learn is you can take something tragic and difficult and turn it into something beautiful and magical.  

That is where I give my standard line of having to find peace within yourself and know that good vs. evil one and being proud of yourself is more important than other people being proud of you.

Support women through adoption, with your donation, encouragement and support you are helping a woman find her wings and fly toward her dreams.

The Donna K. Evans Foundation is located at at 8433 N. Black Canyon Highway Building 6, Suite 158, Phoenix, AZ 85021.)