Birth Mother Matters Adoption Season 2, Episode 159: For Birth Mothers Only

Anyone can and everyone should listen to this episode; learn, grown and understand why adoption is a beautiful choice.

Choosing adoption means choosing an option with support, aftercare and access to financial resources.  Adoption is a beautiful choice and one that is increasingly becoming a more popular choice. in order for others to believe in and support you in your adoption choice, you need to believe in it first.  You are the champion of your cause.  Owning your adoption choice comes with the belief and knowledge that you have made the right decision.   If you are pregnant and are considering adoption, we are a licensed, full-service, non-profit Arizona Adoption Agency.  We believe in adoption aftercare services and have a program on site to provide continued support through the Donna K. Evans Foundation.  You can contact us 24/7 at (623) 695-4112.  You are not alone and we want to help, thank you for considering adoption, you are making an amazing choice.