Pretty much all birds enjoy semi-ripened grass seeds - from the biggest macaw to the tiniest finch.  There are many grasses that grow naturally in our gardens, balcony pots and verges - but what exactly are they and how good are they for a bird?  If these are some questions you ask yourself then today's episode is for you!
Bird Keeping in Australia has created a great booklet on this exact topic and today Birdman Dad is discussing the book and how it can be of help to you; and your birds.
Bird Keeping in Australia is the official publications of the Avicultural Society of South Australia Inc - and just as a side note; this particular bird society was founded in February 1928, and is the first avicultural society to be established in Australia!
Here is the link to their facebook page:
This Avicultural Society still publishes a colour monthly magazine and meets in person when permitted.  People can join the society and there is an annual membership fee.  Bird Societies and clubs are repositories of bird related knowledge so if at all you are unsure of an issue there is always someone in a bird society or club who is sure to know the answer you seek!
The booklet being discussed today is:
"What seeding-grass is that? The birdkeepers' Pictorial Guide to seeding-grasses"

Cost = $12.50 (postage included within Australia) + postage for international orders - for Non-Society members
If you want a copy please order by:
1. Making contact via the Facebook group
2. Emailing Richard: [email protected]