Domesticated birds, like all pets humans share their homes and lives with, have a financial cost attached to them which has to be met by their human owner.  Just like the average dog, cat or horse, pet birds need to be fed, housed, watered and given veterinarian attention as required.  All these essential care items cost money and it is the bird/s owner/s who have to provide the required funds. All this is a given and is a point that should be carefully considered when first deciding if you want to keep a bird, in fact any pet.

Through the amazing insights social media has provided us all access to;  today we  can see photographs and videos of the most amazing and extensive bird aviaries and companion bird jungle gym rooms. And these owners deserve the accolades and praise they receive for treating their feathered friends to the very best of everything that their owners can supply them  with; 
but what if you don’t have a lot of money, and can’t purchase your bird the very latest cuddle barn? 
 Can you even keep a bird or birds on a limited income?

Today’s guest, Tom, speaks to us candidly about his bird keeping journey over many years, and many budget types – from the days where funds allocated to his much loved feathered friends was not any real hardship to finding himself, through injury and disease, having to part with his much loved cockatoos.  
Tom shares with us all some hints on how to keep birds when you are on a limited income and we hope these suggestions are useful.

Above the content we hope that you can all hear the love and gratitude Tom expresses for having his feathered family members in his life.



The clubs mentioned in Tom’s talk:

The Avicultural Society of Australia


 Geelong Branch

P.O.Box 865 Geelong. 3220
 Mob: 0411036664 Krystal
 email : [email protected]

Venue – Belmont Park Pavilion. Barrabool Rd, Belmont. Meeting commences at 7.30pm on the 3rd Monday of the month