Feel tension/stuckness/friction in your body and life, keeping you from serving people with your gifts? A mentor and teacher of mine said, "If you're not living your purpose on the planet it's supposed to hurt, and nothing is supposed to take that pain away." Life is constantly nudging us in the direction of doing what we came here to do. There's a predictable and reproducible roadmap to how that unfolds in people's lives. We can look at it from the perspective of something everyone can relate to and something that is key to living your purpose: tension in your body. There is tension in our body because we're in conflict with who life is calling us to be. The energy bound in the tension actually contains the information and energy we need to fufill our purpose. In this roadmap you'll learn how it's possible to reprogram your nervous system to 1) release tension, 2) to turn tension into a resource, and 3) to use tension as a portal to giving your soul's gifts and living your purpose. 

This episode originally aired as a three part video series on my BioSoul Integration YouTube channel. If you prefer to watch and listen, here's a link to those videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFS90Pu67_ftH0aHPEnKpAYEMJUrkpjVN

If you like to read, the following is a link to an in-depth blog post that I created from this episode: 

Forever Believe by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

Artist: http://audionautix.com/