If you're a busy parent struggling to stay healthy, you're not alone.

With the demands of parenting, it can be difficult to find the time and energy to prioritize your own health and wellness.

But it is possible - and more important than ever - to find the balance.

Take it from Mary Katherine Stahl, the Community Manager for Fit Body Boot Camp:

"As a mom, one of my priorities is being the one who takes them to school in the morning and prepares their meals, and has the craft waiting for them after school. Also, making a career for myself, so my kids can model and hopefully do something great themselves," says Mary Katherine Stahl, a busy mom, wife, and multi-business owner.

She has a love for health and fitness and inspires others to be the best version of themselves. At the young age of 25, she started as a member at Fit Body Boot Camp and it quickly became the best part of her day every day.

She used that passion and energy she felt at boot camp to open her own location in August 2017.

The key to staying healthy as a parent is to have honest conversations with your partner about what you both value.

For Mary Katherine Stahl and her husband, that conversation began with how to make their schedules work with two young children at home:

"My husband knows that I value spending quality time with my children, but also making a career for myself," she explains.

Communication is key, but so is nutrition. Mary Katherine Stahl focuses on eating protein and drinking plenty of water, and strives to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep every night.

Exercise is also important, but with kids, it can be difficult to make time for it. Mary Katherine Stahl's solution? Bring the kids to the gym with you:

"My daughter has been at the gym with us from 6 weeks old until now," she says. "Surrounding them with that from such a young age makes it easier to fit in that workout."

It's also important to give yourself and your partner praise for the work you're both doing. "My husband needs that feedback," says Mary Katherine Stahl. "Just little things like that go a long way in our relationship because he just wants to feel appreciated."

At the end of the day, Mary Katherine Stahl and her husband are grateful for the two children they share and all the blessings they have in their lives. "Life is crazy," she says. "But we're blessed."

Staying healthy as a parent is a challenge, but it can be done.

Take it from Mary Katherine Stahl: with honest communication, a focus on nutrition, and plenty of praise, you can find the balance you need to stay healthy and happy.

In this podcast, you will learn about:

How to balance work and family How to stay healthy and fit as a parent The importance of communication and appreciation between couples How to keep your relationship strong despite the challenges of parenting
And so much more.

