And now, Binge Watchers:

Hosts: John Travis, Nicky T
Panel: Not this week

Some Highlights:
"Why Hollywood forgives people for horrible behavior."
"The Rise and Fall of Mel Gibson."
"Our Encounter With Gary Busey."

Full Disclosure: Getting personally personal like a "leaf on the wind" or a "turtle in the sea." Podcasts interrupted by football playoffs, artsy audiences, beefy action audiences, naked fans from other countries, pre-show nipple rubbing between hosts, solving universal questions: like do bald heads itch? Wild homelessness, forging your own society, California homelessness, broken dreams, Hollywood by-products, following your dreams into a cardboard box, getting swallowed up by the movie beast, day jobbers versus creative people, some people don't have the "spark." Trying to explain filmmaking to regular people, film school students that grow up to make nothing. The rise, fall, absolution, and future of Mel Gibson. Why Hollywood forgives people for horrible mistakes. Stories from the set between Mel Gibson and Danny Glover. The "binge watch" of The Lethal Weapon series. Anybody under 20 probably skips the outrageous movies made in the '90s. Cops jumping off roofs. Our encounter with Gary Busey. Exploding toilets, million dollar trailer parks, battle scar sex scenes, who is the real lethal weapon. And of course, Chris Rock's lethal weapon as the buddy cop movie continues to evolve.

Music: Not this week

Drink: Vodka and soda

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