The 2nd best Brandon Lee movie, but if you like Grade A Choice Dolph Lundgren: mission accomplished.  Also, Tia Carrere starting her career and making a splash.

"Who's Brandon Lee? Well, he's got a famous last name, his dad's Bruce. But this show's not about Bruce so we can't get lost. And talking about Bruce Lee. Brandon Lee started acting like as a kid, but you know what? Do you know what I came across Dave, like just, we're just cruising the internet, like reading about Bruce Lee. But then I got on to thing about Brandon Lee and like, have you seen this 16 millimeter footage of Brandon Lee when he's like 18 months old and he's like doing karate chops and kicks and stuff. Like, he's like fully formed Kung fu baby. Like if you're on the playground and some toddlers giving you shit, you just call baby Brandon Lee and he just goes in there. You know what I'm saying? He just takes them out that two year old fucking your shit up. You just call Brandon Lee in."

This episode is great and has just about everything Steve needs in a podcast. It might even make Brian cry.  And Sarah could care less, she doesn’t like podcasts. Especially, ours.

Spoiler alert: Steve, Brian, and Sarah are imaginary.

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