All 3 Binge Watchers (John Travis, Nicky T, Dangerous Dave) are reunited to combine their powers of useless knowledge and movie trivia. There is a reading of The King in Yellow by Robert W. Chambers before they launch into a tip-top totally tipsy discussion of HBO's True Dicks, excuse us, True Detective...
The "alternative" HER parody, BER is mentioned see it here, Al Pacino stars in Scent of a Werewolf as a werewolf, podcasts to binge listen including the new one by Pauly Shore, Lars Von Trier films are discussed, discover what it means to "find all the monster's toys," and what the hell is with all the serialized TV making a comeback? Plus the Binge Watchers plot their very own "mockbuster."

Spoiler Alert---the finale of True Detectives is sampled.

Drink: Red Bull & Blue Feather Vodka

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