And now for your listening pleasure, our complete run on the Hammer Films Dracula series...

Relive the technicolor horror dynasty that brought us the epic cinema rivalry of Peter Cushing vs. Christopher Lee and still inspires horror filmmakers today.

The Binge Watchers have begun to notice an emerging pattern as they sludge through these sequels buried deep in horror film history…The ginger always dies, the innkeeper knows too much but is apathetic, and there is always a melodramatic speech during the 2nd act lull before 10 minutes of really intense violence. 

Somehow, Full Moon Pictures’ shared universe comes up and there is a brief side discussion about the Subspecies vampire series and The Vampire Journals.

As our exploration of Hammer’s Dracula series winds down, John finds a Dracula movie Dave actually likes.  And they question the choices Van Helsing’s granddaughter, Jessica makes.

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