Originally broadcast on March 28, 2024. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2024/03/binary-system-podcast-404-lore-olympus-episode-270-and-271/

The first half of Lore Olympus episode 270 is light on dialog. Baby Dionysus starts the most adorable Hero's Journey ever as he sets off to rescue Hades and Persephone. The cuteness balances out the second half of the episode, with images of Hades dealing with his worst nightmare: being a child at the mercy of his father Kronos. No physical abuse (in this episode anyway), but still, bleak.

Episode 271 jumps to Hera and Persephone in Tartarus, preparing to take on Kronos. Hera is obviously ready to sacrifice herself, but there's still some hope; Hera's skills at conversation can make even a titan stop and think for a bit, and Persephone has already demonstrated that she now has the power to make a god bleed.

Not much else going on in the nerd world right now, so we talk for a bit about the latest developments with the Royal Family (get well soon), and about the plans for the next Fyre Festival. And by "plans" we mean McFarland is releasing commercials and selling tickets less than a year before a festival that isn't even 1% ready to go. Again. Everybody stock up on popcorn, the "Fyre2" documentary is gonna be wild.

This week's outro is a clip from Thumper by Beat Mekanik.

Correction: At around minute 9:42 "Zeus" is accidentally referred to as "Hades". And neither of us noticed.

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