This episode originally broadcast on November 16, 2023. The original podcast post is here:

The second season of Loki had its highs (that fourth episode good googaly moogaly) and lows (the bonkers pacing, that weird hot chocolate scene) and for a while there we were worried the series might go out with a thud instead of a bang. But in the end they brought together all the threads and gave us something really special: a surprisingly satisfying ending, and a hell of a redemption arc, not just for Loki but for everyone. (Except Renslayer: your mileage may vary when it comes to her.)

Helped along by gorgeous effects, timey-wimey trickery, and Tom Hiddleston’s flawless delivery of technobabble at high speed, the finale was just about everything we wanted. (We’re still a little iffy on some of the cause and effect.) Massive spoiler warnings! Obviously!

This week’s outro is a clip from Softly by Beat Mekanik.

This week’s outtake is brought to you by the fact that Elizabeth’s Zoom was acting up so Kathryn used her free account, which bumped us out after 40 minutes and was a real pill about starting back up.

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