Original broadcast date July 4, 2019. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2019/07/binary-system-podcast-182-start-with-this-episode-1/

Happy 4th of July! (Or, if you're somewhere that doesn't celebrate the 4th, happy Thursday!) We recorded this on Monday and forgot it'd drop on the 4th, so this podcast makes no mention of holidays or politics and instead is a last-minute recap of the Start With This podcast because we didn't know there wouldn't be a Welcome To Night Vale episode to recap.

...did everyone else know they were on hiatus this month? It's just this month, right?

You can find the Start With This podcast here. http://www.nightvalepresents.com/startwiththis

This week's outro music is a clip from Emerging from the Lights by TeknoAXE. https://youtu.be/hEYC7DabpBk