Original broadcast date June 20, 2019. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2019/06/binary-system-podcast-180-welcome-to-night-vale-150-the-birthday-of-lee-marvin/

On this week's Night Vale recap it’s time to grab a plate of imaginary corn with some theoretical butter and celebrate the birthday of Lee Marvin and...wait, hang on....we've been here before. TWICE.



Night Vale gave us a treat for their 150th episode, and we got to hear a lot of familiar voices. But other than some shenanigans on the radio, everything seems back to normal in town. Just in time for Lee Marvin to do...something...

After that we sort out our pop-culture calendars and tally up the things we’ve watched (some of Good Omens, most of Black Mirror) and the things we need to watch (Jessica Jones, Toy Story 4, Men in Black 4, How To Train Your Dragon 3 NO WE HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET WHAT’S WRONG WITH US?)

This week's outro music is a clip from String Theory by Andre Jetson. https://pixelatedgeek.com/2019/04/binary-system-podcast-173-welcome-to-night-vale-146-the-birthday-of-lee-marvin/