Original broadcast date May 23, 2019. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2019/05/binary-system-podcast-178-wtnv-148-the-broadcaster/

The latest episode of Welcome to Night Vale features the triumphant return of radio host Leonard Burton, all on his lonesome in the radio booth.

And the town.

And possibly the universe.

Get yourself something comforting to drink - and possibly a night light - because the side-effects from the Blood Space War are really, really bad.

Needing a distraction after that, the twins share a theory they found about how the switch from a character-driven to a plot-driven story may have made this last season of Game of Thrones a completely different creature from the previous seven seasons. This led to a discussion of another character-driven story (Adam Warren's "Empowered" series), and a quick review of some artists who's styles have evolved over the years, some successfully, others...less so.

This week's outro music is a clip from Subspace by RAQIA. I highly recommend buying the song on Bandcamp; it's just as lovely as the one featured on the WTNV episode, but it also has an added violin track! https://raqia.bandcamp.com/track/subspace

The (spoiler-free) Twitter thread that gives a point-by-point argument for why the final season of Game of Thrones is making people angry starts here. https://twitter.com/DSilvermint/status/1125856091261136896

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