Original broadcast date December 13, 2018. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2018/12/binary-system-podcast-156-wtnv-139-the-birthday-of-lee-marvin/

This week it's time to grab a plate of imaginary corn with some theoretical butter and celebrate the birthday of Lee Marvin! (At least, that's what they're doing over in Night Vale. We still don't understand why it's always Lee's 30th birthday but we do like the corn.)

And for the first time in months we're actually ahead of the game in our recordings, so we probably won't need to take a week off for the holidays! But since we recorded this almost two weeks ago, you'll get to hear us talk about such "breaking news" as the cancellation of Daredevil, the new Go-Bots series at IDW, and the fallout from Tumblr removing all adult content from the platform. It was breaking news when we recorded it anyway.

This week's outro music is a clip from Bollywood Blades by Professor Kliq. http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Professor_Kliq/netBloc_Vol_34_The_Whitewash/03_-_Professor_Kliq_-_Bollywood_Blades

Here's that thread from Andrew Ellard talking about the weird pacing in the Daredevil "Neti Pot" episode. https://twitter.com/ellardent/status/1068443844558102529

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