Die AIlluminaten sind unter euch! Genauso wie Felix, Felix, Markus und Ingo auch.

Die AIlluminaten sind unter euch!
Genauso wie Felix, Felix, Markus und Ingo auch.

Blast from the Past

Nitrokey NetHSM
RadioTux Sendung
ILeakage: Artikel computerbase: Risiko überschaubar, da sehr Zeitaufwändig

Apple: Tim Cook Nachfolger

ActivityPub Lesetagebuch: Bookwyrm
FreeBSD 14

Some late-breaking FreeBSD 14 breakage
Valuable FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE Updates
Coming /home
FreeBSD Errata Notices and Security Advisories
SEEK_DATA fails randomly

Toter der Woche

RHEL 10 kommt ohne X.Org-Server

Wayland Isn't Going to Save The Linux Desktop

Cookie Banner (bei firefox 120)
Insulin Pumpe mit Bug

Untoter der Woche

Zero Punctuation -> Fully Ramblomatic

AI der Woche

Interview: Sam Altman on being fired and rehired by OpenAI

What happened with OpenAI (video)

SD-XL turbo

New Kids Turbo

AI Influencer
PoliGPT - Der Chatbot für politische Klarheit


weniger Geld für Open Source
Sicherheitslücken in Owncloud

Bluetooth Forward and Future Secrecy Attacks and Defenses

PsFree Webkit Exploit für PS4/PS5
Celebrating 20 years of Inkscape
Digitale Avatare für übernächstes KISS Konzert
Roundcube + Nextcloud
Pipewire 1.0.0
NixOS 23.11

Feature: nix-collect-garbage bei voller platte




a guide to your own mail server

Simple NixOS Mailserver
Mail Part 1 Setup Smtp Opensmtpd

Paper: You Want My Password or a Dead Patient?
Bcachefs Performance in Linux 6.7


Positive Hackernews
Smarter Everyday "I Was SCARED To Say This To NASA... (But I said it anyway)" (video)
QEmu Adventskalender
[Markdown] An option to highlight a "Note" and "Warning" using blockquote

Asciidoc Quick Reference
Admonitions in AsciiDoc

Half-Life: 25th Anniversary Documentary (video)
Portal on the Nintendo 64 is incredible
advent of code
Perodic Table of toolsarchive.org mirror